Jendrusch Livestock’s Bulls; better known as the vigorously robust male group of the cattle operation. These bulls have made their mark in our herd with by doing their job. Each bull has a different purpose for the herd. Whether it be calf easing, power, sound structure, or clean phenotype these bulls take care of business. Semen is available for purchase from select bulls.

Hart of Gold (HOG)
Jimmy the Greek X Airhart D43 (577)
We Purchased ½ interest in Hog in 2017 from Airhart Cattle Company and his offspring has not disappointed us. One his greatest traits is the color that he throws. Many of his offspring so far have been two-toned. Combined with heavy muscle and show appeal, we are very excited about the future with HOG. THC and PHAF

Baby Blue
Baby Blue X HL 1174
Baby Blue, named after his father, is our heifer bull. Any cattle rancher understands the importance of a good heifer bull that produces calf easing progeny. When we purchased this bull from Mr. Horn, we were steer shopping at Colton Airhart's, who owned the original Baby Blue. Colton always joked around saying when the heifer sneezed and the calf came out. He wasn't lying! Birthweight is approximately 57 lbs. He also gives off some show appeal that many heifer bulls don't possess. THF/PHAF

Business of Somethin' Sexy
Boss HL Business Done Right X HL419
The newest edition to Jendrusch Livestock. Rory Duelm said it best…. This guy is a BEAST. We were excited to get him out in his working clothes so the clean photo will have to wait. THF/PHAF

Business Plan
Lovin' the Business X HL 1174
Although now deceased, his great attributes live through his sons and daughters. If you want a cool fronted, big bellied, and soft pasterned offspring then look no further, HE'S YOUR GUY. Sired the Dallas Fair American Champion steer in 2016. Reference pictures shown. Owned with Doug Jendrusch and Kevin Morawietz. THF and PHAF.

Get in Touch
571 FM 887
Falls City, Tx 78113
PO Box 471
Falls City, Tx 78113